How to Choose Your Own Agent and Still Receive Relocation Benefits

Here’s how you can choose your own agent without losing any relocation benefits.

You may have wondered about what can happen if your employer decides to relocate you for a job, so here’s a story about a home seller who went through that exact situation. The seller’s employer hired a relocation company that would help the seller find a buyer and move to the new location. However, the seller had to use the relocation company’s agent in order to receive any relocation benefits.

Here’s why: The relocation company is a licensed broker, and they charge the agent they send a referral to. With the referral fee, the company can pay for your relocation benefits. They profit off of this, as the relocation benefits are less than the referral fee. These referral fees can be incredibly expensive, which is why relocation companies often go to new or inexperienced agents who are willing to pay the fees in order to get business.

The moral of the story is that you don’t need to use the agent that is appointed to you by your relocation company.

However, what happens if you already have an agent you know and trust? Well, there are a few things your agent can do. For example, we at the Guldi Group will pay a client’s relocation benefits so they can work with us. We can do it by reducing our commission fee and applying credits toward closing costs. This is because it’s more expensive to pay a referral fee to the relocation company than it is to cover your benefits.

If this is causing too many headaches, there’s another option: We’ll just pay the referral fee. This means you can still hire our real estate team and receive professional, experienced service without losing your relocation benefits.

The moral of the story is that you don’t need to use the agent that is appointed to you by your relocation company. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about how we can help you relocate, feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to hearing from you soon.